San Francisco One Day

2008 Results Letter


Thank you so much for joining us last weekend for the third annual San Francisco One Day.  In many ways, this is our favorite PCTR event to put on each year.  Although hosting it is very different from putting on a trail run and organizing it has its own unique issues, there is no other event where everyone – from children to elite runners, from grandparents to record setters – is out there together, truly on the same level (almost literally and certainly figuratively) playing field, on the very same course dealing with the same conditions, completing the same loops trying to meet their own personal goals.  And while the number-goals may have been bigger for the top finishers, most people out there last weekend had goals they were hoping to meet and maybe, if all went well, even surpass.  Whether as vague as ‘farther than ever before’ or ‘to just keep moving’, or as specific as a number miles, nearly everyone out there had goals and hopes at the start – and many did meet or surpass those goals on Saturday and Sunday.

 12 HOUR 

The 12 hour was dominated by the Sanchez brothers – Juan, Federico, and David – on the men’s side.  We’d already seen Juan several times this summer, most recently when he ran to a second place finish at the Headlands Hundred 50-miler in August, and we figured that his brothers were probably fast and tough, too, when we saw them all at check-in.  Although this terrain was quite different, Juan excelled once again, leading for much of the day and staying in front to win, besting his brother, Federico, by 2 loops and finishing over 11 miles ahead of Dane Rauschenberg, the next non-Sanchez male finisher.  For the women, Juli Aistars showed that recently moving into the 50s age group hasn’t slowed her down one bit, as she stayed focused all day and stuck with her predetermined run/walk strategy to take over and hold onto the top of the leader borad.  When 9:00 p.m. rolled around, Juli led Diana Rush and Heather VanNes to set a new course record 67.2 miles in the women’s 12 hour event.

24 HOUR 

In the 24 hour event, both the men’s and women’s races were tight for much of Saturday.  On the men’s side, John Fors, Evan Kimber, Brian Krogmann, Shan Riggs, and a few other names moved around on the leader board as it was updated each hour.  But as the afternoon wore on, John dropped while in first place at 65 miles with stomach issues and, as evening fell, Evan let us know that he was going to keep running for awhile, but wouldn’t be able to run the full 24 hours, as he had an early morning plane to catch.  Evan racked up an impressive 111 miles before he left around 5 a.m., and then it was up to the men still out there to see who could catch and pass his total.  The first to do it was Shan Riggs who’d been amazingly steady all day and night, getting great support from his crew and looking so strong every time he passed over the timing mat and through the aid station.  As the hours wore on, it was clear that Shan was going to break the 126 mile course record, which he did with well over an hour to spare and, when he and everyone else realized that he could break 130 miles, he still had plenty of time to sit and regroup before heading out on his final lap.  He finished not long after to the cheers of other runners, crew members, and the finish line and aid station personnel.  Andy Kumeda had been moving steadily up the leader board as the afternoon and evening had passed, and he, too, was able to pass Evan’s total to finish in second place with over 114 miles.

Four women seemed to share the leader board throughout the entire event – Kathy Welch, Linda McFadden, Catra Corbett, and Jennifer Ray – each taking turns at the top.  However, as night fell, Kathy began to pull away from the others, moving so steadily even in the cold and wind.  She ended up with over 105 miles to take the win, with Linda, Catra, and Jennifer all finishing at 100.3 miles.  Linda reached that total first, wrapping things up before 8:30 a.m.  Catra and Jennifer, who were the first and second place females in our inaugural One Day back in 2006, were each determined to get to 100 miles and ended up working together to reach their goal, crossing the mat for the final time, hand in hand, with only 9 minutes to spare. 


Complete overall results are available near the bottom of the San Francisco One Day page. In addition, you may access your individual lap times and other information by using  Click on the ‘’ link, also in the ‘Results’ section on the One Day page, and then click on your name on the general list. Your transponder number is listed in the header next to your name.  You can use that transponder number to register for and use

Thanks again for coming out to run at the San Francisco One Day.  We had a fabulous time all weekend long and hope that you did, too.  We also hope that we see many of you back at Crissy Field again next October.





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