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Re: Oregon contingency

From: Big Thunder
Date: 25 Nov 2003
Time: 15:19:27 -0500
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Hi Beth, Angel Island is a great run. Somewhat hilly but not a killer, there are'nt really any walk places. You have to get around to Tiburon to take the ferry to the island. There are directions on the site. I will be cold. It could rain. Its on an island in the middle of the bay so it is frequently windy. On the flip side its a beautiful area with great scenery and an extensive history. I imagine you've been to S.F. before so you know about the great restaurants and entertainment. If you have the time, take a run through Golden Gate park, through the Presidio or over the Golden Gate Bridge. There are some really spectacular areas just north of the Golden Gate Bridge in the GGNR. Have the Big Fun and check out for other runner stuff. See you on the trails, Big Thunder, President, Fat Boys Running Club

Last changed: 11/25/03