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Muir Beach 18th December

Purisima Creek Redwoods

From: Jack
Date: 22 Jan 2005
Time: 15:29:03 -0500
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Purisima Creek will be my first 50k. My first long distance for that matter (No Marathon) Ive trained and Im ready but the extra loop after reaching the start/finish area has me worried. Does anybody have any advice on dealing with this? Seems like that last 5k loop is going to be gnarly!

angel Island 50 K

From: [email protected]
Date: 04 Jan 2005
Time: 21:13:50 -0500
Remote Name:


It was a very enjoyable race - especially the PINK trail section!! Hats off to the very GREAT race directors. I got lost only because I REALLy wanted to run 32 miles plus >>>.?? Cindy Goh finished just behind me - & I was not trying to stay right behind her t o be competitive - but to 'tail' gate so I did not get LOST... Recommend this run for any one who wants a great day of fun trail running. Robert Sobsey

water around angel island clean enough for swim

From: Sue
Date: 31 Dec 2004
Time: 17:48:03 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi, do you think the water is clean enough for swimming? I have been doing ice baths as an aid for recovery and thought a swim would be perfect after the run. S

Re: Muir Beach 18th December

From: angel
Date: 19 Dec 2004
Time: 15:10:20 -0500
Remote Name:


no, first there's a long set of stairs at the start, and second, they are single track trails so you will be getting in the way of other runners and pose a risk not only to them, but also the race organizers, liability wise. baby strollers do not belong at races. if i were a baby, i'd hate to be dragged along on a bumpy nauseuos ride involuntarily.

Angel Island Run suitable for baby jogger?

From: mdoyle
Date: 15 Dec 2004
Time: 03:31:18 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi - subject says it all. I always run with the baby. Is this run suitable for that or not? I run the trails w/her in San Jose, but they're almost fire roads. Thanks.

From: Jukka Kokkoniemi
Date: 13 Dec 2004
Time: 19:15:18 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi there fellow runners. I am a finnish student who is visiting San Fran. I am going to run Muir Beach 33K next Saturday. I wonder if there is someone who could give me a ride to Muir Beach from San Francisco/Berkeley. It is a little bit too long warm-up to run there ;). My e-mail address is jkokkoni (att) ulapland (dot) fi. Thanks, Jukka

Last changed: 01/12/05