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Angel Island - Swim

Looking for running partners

From: SLOrunner
Date: 24 Jan 2005
Time: 14:53:29 -0500
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Looking to find running partners in San Luis Obispo county area. Have done marathons in the past but have gotten a little rusty by doing more bicyling than running. Now trying to get back to my "roots". Hoping to do 50K Montana de Ora run in Oct. Thanks Corinne

angel Island 50 K

From: [email protected]
Date: 04 Jan 2005
Time: 21:24:21 -0500
Remote Name:


It was a very enjoyable race - especially the PINK trail section!! Hats off to the very GREAT race directors. I got lost only because I REALLy wanted to run 32 miles plus >>>.?? Cindy Goh finished just behind me - & I was not trying to stay right behind her t o be competitive - but to 'tail' gate so I did not get LOST... Recommend this run for any one who wants a great day of fun trail running. Robert Sobsey

From: Wendell (PCTR)
Date: 31 Dec 2004
Time: 20:46:19 -0500
Remote Name:


Yes, there is actually an international open water swim from Angel Island to Tiburon in the summer. Wendell (PCTR)

Last changed: 01/12/05